CAHSZ is a membership driven alliance of communities collaborating in pursuit of safe and secure human migration, settlements and access to productive resources such as land. We bring together already established CBOs, residents associations and housing cooperatives already existing in urban, peri-urban, informal settlements, resettlement areas, and ex-commercial and mining communities across 6 out of 10 provinces in Zimbabwe. Our work seek to influence national laws and policies in order to achieve safe and secure access to land and productive natural resources for all Zimbabweans.
Our work primarily focuses on;
Capacity Building: We work to mobilize, organize, build agency and capacitate grassroots communities with civic education, access to information, constitutional literacy and peer-to-peer solidarity.
Research and Documentation is the foundation of our work because we believe in the essence and effectiveness of evidence based interventions. It also enables us to draw lessons and best practices from across the globe, and also to gather data and evidence for use to tailor our interventions to meet communities’ specific needs.
Policy Lobbying and Advocacy: is our primary focus because we believe that safe, secure, orderly and lawful human migration, settlements and access to productive rights and resources can only be possible and aided by sound and effective laws and policy frameworks.
Networking and Partnership Building: We see partnerships as opportunities for harnessing and sharing expertise and resources to enable simultaneous solutions to crosscutting issues and realisation of common goals. We strive to create, build and maintain strategic partnerships in pursuit of common goals.
Information Dissemination: We also focus on gathering, generating and disseminating truthful, accurate and objective information that grassroots citizens and law and policymakers can rely on for effective participation and policy making.