CCPJD operates 71-man General Assembly made up of every financial member of the organization being the highest decision making body, 10-man Board of Trustee, 5-man Executive Council, 4-Man Management Board, 4-Man Advisory Board and various committees as enumerated bellow.
The Board comprises of business men, traditional rulers, Lecturers, lawyers, Electrical and mechanical engineers, accountants and medical doctors. The roles of the Board Chairman and secretary are separated from the role of the Executive Director, who, as Chief Executive, holds the only executive role on the Board. A list of Board Members for 2017/2018 is included on pages 7.
The General Assembly (GA) meets twice a year, while the BOT meets formally at least three times each year. CCPJD has established Standing Committees, all of which are formally constituted with Terms of Reference, as delegated by the BOT