Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy
CRADESC works exclusively for the recognition, respect, protection and realisation of economic, social and cultural rights in order to contribute to endogenous, sustainable and inclusive development based on social justice, equity and human dignity.
It is a Center for research and action on legislation, public policies and practices related to social, economic and cultural rights in West Africa and the Sahel.
The objectives of CRADESC are
- Produce research and valorize local knowledge aimed at the realization of economic, social and cultural rights and foestering their impact on social change.
- Support and strengthen the capacity of citizens, communities, and civil society organizations for their effective participation and control of public policies and private initiatives related to their economic, social and cultural rights.
- Support and strengthen the capacities of citizens, communities, and civil society organizations for their effective participation in and control of public policies and private initiatives affecting their economic, social and cultural rights.
- Provide strategic support to governments and other national, regional and international decision-makers in the formulation and implementation of legislation, public policies and other initiatives related to economic, social and cultural rights.
CRADESC intervenes through different strategies, in particular:
- Research-Action for Impact
- Strategic Advocacy
- Social Mobilisation and campaigns
- Multi-stakeholder dialogue
- Public Interest Litigation
- Training and capacity building
- Community Engagement and Empowerment