The Black Sash is working towards a South African society in which:-
· Human rights are recognised in law, respected and implemented in practice particularly socio economic rights;
· All sectors (government, the private sector and civil society) take responsibility and work towards reducing inequality and poverty including social and economic justice
· The government is accountable to all its people and attends to their basic needs in a participatory and dignified manner; and
· The SA constitution is protected, promoted and fulfilled by all and the rule of law is respected.
Our Mission is working towards the realisation of socio-economic rights, as outlined in the Constitution, with emphasis on social security and social protection, especially for the most vulnerable particularly women and children. We will, in the course of our work, explore options to significantly reduce poverty and inequality.
We believe the implementation of socio-economic rights demands open, transparent and accountable governance (state, corporate and civil society). To this end, we promote active civic engagement by all living in South Africa, this made possible by a strong and vibrant civil society comprising community- based organisations, non-governmental organisations, coalitions and movements.
Our Values: In the execution of our work, we uphold and promote the values of justice, integrity, dignity, rigour, the affirmation of women, independence and courage. We believe individual and collective non-violent action can enable people to transform their own situations and have a beneficial impact on society as a whole.
Our objectives are implemented through three interconnected programmes, each building on one another: Advocacy In Partnership, Community Based Monitoring and Information, Education and Training.