Focus: Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Right to Information, Women's Rights
Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has been initiated with a promise to create awareness among community level for the protection and promotion of human rights and ensuring the respect and realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental provisions of the Constitution of Bangladesh as well as providing humanitarian assistance to the victim of violation in the country. Since the inauguration of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights is devoted to serve mankind specially who are victim of torture and organized violence as well as other human rights violation. BIHR was born and brought up to remain beside the victim of torture, mal treatment and organized violation as well as other form of violation indifferent to race or religion, sex or age.
VISION: Human Rights Violation Free Bangladesh
v To provide legal aid and legal counselling to community members through their respective organizations as well as in centre.
v To organize seminars, workshops, symposiums, rallies, human chains and view exchange meetings on various human rights related issues and attending such programmes organized by others.
v To provide training especially on paralegal and human rights aspect to community organizers as well as conduct a summer course on human rights for university graduates and law enforcing agencies.
v To promote legal & human rights literacy, which includes translating and publishing handbooks of law in layman`s language and a training manual on human rights.
v To establish a human rights documentation and information centre to ensure exchange and dissemination of human rights violation.
v To conduct lobbying, campaign and advocacy activity to protect and promote human rights in national and international level.
v To conduct research on legal and human rights aspect as well as conduct fact finding and issue urgent appeal/action regarding violation of human rights.