In realisation of these objectives to assist indigent communities, especially in the rural and agricultural sector with problems of a legal nature, e.g. the deprivation of rights entrenched in the Constitution of the Republic; unlawful evictions or any other legal assistance for which a member or beneficiary cannot acquire the services of a legal practitioner.
To provide community services to the communities to address economic and social inequalities, including gender inequalities, especially amongst women and children;
Serve the population of a targeted poverty pocket area by promoting tangible quality of life improvements by facilitating the satisfaction of basic needs for the targeted population and generate opportunities for employment and income earning;
Provide community service to all the communities regarding STD/HIV/AIDS and other related diseases and their conditions;
To assist in the facilitation of youth development through cultural events; sports and to assist in instances of substances abuse;
To work in collaboration with other organisations that mainly deal with legal issues; address the economic social and gender inequalities and health issues.
To obtain, establish and administer funds for the benefit of its members or beneficiaries;
To do such lawful things as may appear to be in the interest of the organisation and its members or beneficiaries which are not inconsistent with these objects or any matter specifically provided for in this Constitution.