
Asia Catalyst

New York, United States
Joined March 2021

We work in Asia, currently with programming in Thailand and Myanmar. We build human rights documentation and advocacy capacity of grassroots groups.

Presence in: Myanmar, Thailand, United States
Focus: Health

 Asia Catalyst builds strong civil society to advance the right to health for marginalized groups in Asia. We partner with and train leaders of community-based organizations to conduct rigorous human rights research and advocacy, meet high standards of effective and democratic governance, and establish a stable foundation for future growth. We are an independent organization that places the needs of marginalized communities at the center of national, regional, and international policymaking.

Across Asia, communities including people living with HIV, sex workers, people who use drugs, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people face serious challenges in ensuring a broad array of human rights, including protection against discrimination. Some lack necessary skills and many lack the resources to successfully address the human rights violations they face. Asia Catalyst responds to the expressed needs of these communities with focused and tailored training, research, and support for emerging civil society leaders and organizations in the region.