Focus: Citizenship & Identification, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Right to Information
We strengthen citizen alternatives for social development in Mexico. Since 2002, we are one of the most relevant strengtheners in our country. This means we focus our work in aiming for conditions, allies, and capacities that allow Mexican Organized Civil Society to maximize their work.
Our input is to achieve, that as civil society, we are effectively a part of the real transformation, as a mandatory way to build integral solutions to complex social issues. Therefore we:
- Promote the debate and creation of proposals on key matters in Mexico
- Make agents more professional so they can recognize among each other (regardless of their sector), so they can achieve dialogue and interaction to build systemic solutions.
- Detonate bonging between sectors (social, governmental and private) to scale social development.
If you are a group, organization, enterprise, foundation, student, academic, communicator or public servant and you would like to know what we can offer you, we invite you to know our three areas of strengthening.
- Promotion Public Policies: We aim for public policies that acknowledge, favor and facilitate the endeavors of organized civil society. Opening the door for participation, transparency and investment in social causes.
- Social Investment: We design processes and better practices so that the work of donors may have a wider and deeper outreach, due to the consideration of a professional vision of strengthening.
- Public Policies Advocacy: We look for the recognition of organized civil society as a key agent who can and must influence governmental actions towards public problems attention.