Action d’aide aux Nécessiteux Veuves et Orphelins au Rwanda (ANEVORWA) is Rwandan Non-Governmental Organisation, was established in 2004 on the initiative of 39 founding members interested in the actions of promoting human rights and working for building and sustaining positive peace. ANEVORWA engages in monitoring, documenting, reporting, research, advocacy, and training for different groups which focus on human rights, peace, gender, women, children and youth. Its vision is to have a society where women, youths, and under privileged groups are aware of their rights, participate in decision making, have equal access to resources and benefits, and become self-reliant. ANEVORWA is independent of any political persuasion and religious; it brings together young people, women and men who give their time to build an entire Rwandan society more just, fraternal solidarity.