Change for Children Association (CFCA) is a Canadian international development organization with a 40-year history of supporting civil society capacity building in the global south. Working from a single office on the Canadian prairies, CFCA invests over a million dollars annually to advance the 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals. We work with local grassroots organizations in developing countries using a rights-based approach to improve gender equality, access to education, access to water, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. We promote the use of technology and innovation in the realization of human rights. We also operate an award-winning global education program in Canada that reaches over 10,000 students annually.
CFCA sends youth tours, teacher tours, church tours and dental brigades overseas annually, introducing hundreds of Canadians to our projects. CFCA has ongoing partnerships with universities and colleges across Canada and places practicum students annually from sereral of Canada’s finest institutions.
CFCA is a founding member of the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) and plays a key role in mentoring smaller development organizations and diaspora communities throughout Alberta towards establishing long-term commitments to partner organizations in developing countries. Emphasizing a rights-based development approach, CFCA adds value to the overseas investments of other groups, such as rotary clubs, cultural groups and churches that may otherwise have a more charitable approach.
Change for Children is currently implementing a project funded by the Government of Canada in NW Nicaragua entitled “Technology for Sustainable Water Resource Governance” which facilitates enhanced participation in democratic processes and improved use of science and technology by rural populationsso that they may hold their governments accountable and improve their access to water as a human right.