Participatory Advocacy: A Toolkit for VSO Staff, Volunteers, and Partners

This toolkit contains 8 different sections on the advocacy process and circle. Part 1 looks at what advocacy is and how participatory advocacy can be most effectively carried out. Part 2 describes some of the ways that VSO uses advocacy

The main body of the Toolkit is the six parts below, which represent five key stages of the participatory advocacy process:

• Part 3: Research & Analysis examines the initial research and analysis that is needed, including identifying the policy issue and the context surrounding the issue.

• Part 4: Strategic Planning explains the steps needed to develop an effective advocacy strategy.

• Part 5: Mobilisation outlines the ways you can mobilise support and resources.

• Part 6: Action provides guidance on how to implement an advocacy strategy, including advice on lobbying, campaigning, media work and project management.

• Part 7: Learning & Review provides guidance on monitoring your advocacy progress.

• Part 8: Tools contains some participatory exercises you can do with a group of colleagues. These Strategic Planning & Analysis Tools help you think creatively about your work and what you can really achieve.

Uploaded on: Mar 23, 2017
Last Updated: Apr 03, 2017
Issues: Community Organizing, Governance, Accountability & Transparency Tool Type: Manuals & Guides, Training Resources & Popular Education Method: Promoting Citizens' Participation in Governance Languages: English