
Center for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT)

Kampala, Uganda
Joined June 2019

Vision A world where the right to adequate food and health are realised. To promote social justice in food systems and health, through strategic litigation, legal advocacy, and community empowerment

Presence in: Uganda
Focus: Health, Livelihoods, Right to Information

The Center for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT), is a human rights not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to promote social justice in food systems and health, through the use of legal tools such as strategic litigation, Community Legal empowerment, Legal and policy advocacy to advance the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being in East Africa.

CEFROHT was founded in 2018 to respond to challenges of malnutrition, food insecurity, inadequate wellbeing and lack of a legal response and awareness on the right to adequate food and health. CEFORHT strategically engages legal aspects impacting food and health, through framing adequate food and nutrition issues as constitutional claims and entitlements. CEFROHT runs a justice Centre which offers both strategic and probono legal services to venerable persons who suffer violations in the food and health care systems, and carries out action research, capacity building and community empowerment using a Human Rights-Based Approach.


A world where the right to adequate food and health are realised.


To promote social justice in food systems and health, through strategic litigation, legal-policy advocacy, community and capacity building.


  1. Strategic litigation and social justice
  2. Community empowerment and capacity building
  3. Legal and policy advocacy

Thematic areas

The following are CEFROHTs thematic areas of focus

  1. Nutrition and human development rights
  2. Food safety and security
  3. Women, Food and reproductive health rights
  4. Right Public health and wellbeing rights
  5. Trade, investment and adequate food rights
  6. Litigation


Human Rights Based Approach

Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability

Action Research