
Kampala Declaration Gains Momentum

After the official release of the Kampala Declaration on Community Paralegals, several delegates from the African Regional Workshop for Community-Based Paralegals are petitioning their respective governments for greater recognition of community-based paralegals.  Below is a selection of media features and appearances, highlighting the Kampala Declaration.

The Declaration is open for further signatures and can be viewed at

South Africa

It’s essential to find a place for paralegals”  by Carmel Rickard.  The Star  26 July 2012

Some want out, others want in: paralegals on why they should be included in the Legal Practice Bill”  by Carmel Rickard.  A Free State of Mind  26 July 2012

Official petition calling for the inclusion of community-based paralegals in the Legal Practice Bill.

Kampala Declaration Calls on African Governments to Support Community Paralegals”  NGO Pulse  27 July 2012

Sierra Leone

Kampala Declaration on Community Paralegals” Sierra Express Media  29 July 2012


Justice for the Poor highlights Kampala Declaration. July 2012


August 5, 2012 | Namati