Eleanor Thompson is a Sierra Leonean public interest lawyer and policy advocate. Her professional experience includes extensive civil society engagement and community outreach. With Namati Sierra Leone, she and a team of community paralegals and lawyers use legal empowerment to assist rural communities to protect their land rights and environment. While her current focus is in the areas of business and human rights, customary land rights, and environmental law, she also has over a decade of experience in the fields of public international law, international criminal justice, child rights advocacy and juvenile justice. Prior to Namati, she worked with the Open Society Foundations, supporting the development and promotion of international justice, regional human rights and rule of law mechanisms in Africa. Eleanor holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government and African Studies from Harvard University, a Juris Doctor from American University Washington College of Law, and a Masters in International Human Rights Law with distinction from the University of Oxford. She is licensed to practice law in Sierra Leone, New York State and the District of Columbia.