
Strengthening Rule of Law in Practice

Namati CEO Vivek Maru presented at the Equitable Access to Justice: Legal Empowerment, Legal Aid and Making it work for the Poor and Marginalized conference held by UNDP in New Delhi, India November 17-18, 2012. 

“Our view is that primary justice services are crucial for the health of a democracy,” he explained.  “We are seeking to prove that they can be provided at scale, at low cost, and in a way that is responsive to social and institutional context.”

Maru then emphasized three emerging principles for strengthening the rule of law:

  1. Solve functional problems rather than pursuing the dream of idealized institutions;
  2. Confront the challenge of scale by being realistic about which pilot programs could really work; and
  3. Be serious about data collection and evaluation so that learning can be incorporated into implementation. 

He also spoke about the importance of the Global Legal Empowerment Network as both a source of insight and a powerful vehicle for scaling up innovations.

Learn more about how Namati works to develop the emerging field of legal empowerment, here.

For more about the UNDP Equitable Access to Justice conference, click here.

November 28, 2012 | Namati